JOIN US FOR A LIVE, ONLINE INTERVIEW with Wendell Potter on Tuesday, June 22nd from 6:30 – 8:30 pm CST. Potter will answer your questions about his past as a powerful insurance executive, share his insider knowledge about the industry’s art of deception for profits, and discuss ways we can overcome a powerful insurance industry and its lobbyists to fix a broken, corrupt system for care.

ABOUT WENDELL POTTER: In 2008, Potter abandoned his role PR Exec at CIGNA Health. After decades of piloting the insurance industry’s mission to extort the American people through misinformation campaigns, Wendell Potter became a vocal critic of the insurance industry and a leading advocate for healthcare reform. Bestsellers include “Nation on the Take” and “Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care.”

Tickets are $50.00 (Group discounts available)
Willing to sponsor a medical student? Help our future physicians attend this important event.

All proceeds benefit the following Single Payer organizations: