A statement from the Board of Directors at PNHP-MN (left)
PNHP-MN is working closely with the local and national organizations committed to saving public health programs both home and abroad.
We believe in the power of human kindness and compassion, and we will continue to use our voices to lift up and protect our friends and neighbors. Will you join us?

Join us for Lobby Day on the Hill!
Make your voice heard! PNHP-MN and HCA-MN are currently organizing meetings between constituents and their legislators to discuss the important Healthcare-centered bills proposed this session. Expert training, talking points, and materials will be provided.
Lobby Day is open to all Minnesotans!
Register for trainings and Meeting Slots HERE.

PNHP-MN Annual Member Meeting
Join us for an evening of fellowship! PNHP-MN members are invited to join the 2025 Board of Directors for an evening of comradery and organizing. Date and location are TBD and will be updated here as soon as details are known.
Join our Email Communications List to stay informed about all upcoming events.
Sign up for our emails & newsletters HERE.
About Pnhp-mn:
Physicians for a National Health Program is an education and advocacy organization of over 20,000 health professionals and patients who support universal health care through single payer reform.
Our Vision is a Minnesota where all get the care they need.
Our Mission is to educate, advocate, and research in order to build a single payer health system that achieves health equity for all Minnesotans.
Become a PNHP-MN Member today!
There are no dues required to become a member of PNHP-MN. Just complete the two steps below:
1.) Sign up for Updates (emails & newsletter)
Support our work:
Make a tax-deductible donation today by clicking the button below. (You will be automatically redirected to a secure page.)