Future Events:


Past Events:

Thank you to everyone that participated in our 2020 Patients Over Profits Virtual 5K Fun Run!! Congrats to DAVID! His winning time of 26:49 means he will be receiving a #MedicareForAll swag prize from PNHP-MN.
See you in 2021 for our next virtual race!!

Want to commemorate the 2020 event? Visit https://pnhpminnesota.threadless.com/designs/patients-over-profits-virtual-fun-run.

Rising Costs for Vanishing Care: Solving the Rural Health Care Crisis in Minnesota (10/05/2020)

Lunch & Learn Series:
Fix-It Health Care System PART III (08/05/2020)

Lunch & Learn Series:
Fix-It Health Care System PART II (07/15/2020)

Lunch & Learn Series:
Fix-It Health Care System PART I (06/24/2020)

We Are One Minnesota: Our Stories (05/22/2020)

The Case for Medicare for All (05/11/2020)

We Are One Minnesota: Our Stories (05/07/2020)

Overcoming COVID-19: A Historical Perspective (04/30/2020)

How Medicare For All Would Help Fight Covid-19 (04/23/2020)

A Night with PNHP President Adam Gaffney, MD (11/22/2019)

Watch an overview of the night: 

Watch the full presentation: 

General Meeting & Dinner Social

October 6th, 2019

Summer Picnic at Minnehaha Regional Park

June 25th, 2019

Spring Kick Off

March 8th & 9th 2019

Medicare for All Rally at the Capitol

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 2 PM

A Health Care Summit : A Panel Of Minnesota Experts

Friday, April 20th, 2018 6 PM

Annual Holiday Party, 2018

Thank you to everyone that came and contributed to the wonderful success at our Annual Holiday Party on February 9th, 2018! A special thank you to John Marty for sharing on Single Payer in legislation, HCAM and MNA for being present and sharing as ally organizations, and all other PNHP board members and attendees that shared.


Speaker training






Speaker events (ongoing) covered in media

Carol and Ken Engelhart in Hutchinson, Minnesota

Glen Peterson’s talk in Fairmont 

Fairmont letter to the editor in support of Single Payer

Dr. Dave Dvorak’s talk in Owatanna

Mix and Mingle with the Future of Healthcare- Health Professional Student Party

Thank you to everyone that attended the Mix & Mingle event! A special thank you to Dr. Dave Dvorak for sharing the Healthcare for All rally song (linked below)

<iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpnhpmn%2Fvideos%2F1459766270768445%2F&show_text=0&width=560″ width=”560″ height=”995″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe> 

Medicare for All Rally at the Capitol: May 9th, 2017








Thank you to everyone that showed up to tell our legislature how important we think healthcare equity for all Minnesotans is! We had a lot of great energy present and heard many inspirational stories!


General Meeting: April 3rd, 2017









Thank you to everyone that showed up for our first general meeting of 2017! It was great to hear from Chuck Sawyer about the current situation for Single Payer in the legislative process, Laurel Gamm on the upcoming PNHP rallies, and many members with suggestion and words of encouragement! A special “thank you” to our partner organizations, Minnesota Nurses Association, Health Care for All Minnesota, and others, that showed up to share how we can work together in working toward Single Payer!

Valentine’s Day Party, 2017


Michael Milligan- Thank you!

Mercy Killers at the Pillsbury

April 24th 2014

At the Pillsbury Theatre in Minneapolis, after Mercy Killers and post-show discussion.

PNHP MN’s first PNHP!


Pass (a)Nuther Half-pint Please (PNHP) Happy Hour was held Thursday, March 27 at 5:30pm at
The Happy Gnome in Saint Paul, Minnesota

Good conversation and fun was had by all!

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