Who we are

PNHP Minnesota’s umbrella organization, Physicians for a National Health Program, is a research and education organization founded in 1987, now with over 19,000 physicians, medical students and health professionals who support single payer national health insurance.

Our state chapter was founded in 2007 and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to building a movement to create an innovative healthcare system that will cover all Minnesotans in an equitable and  economically feasible manner.  We originated as a physicians’ organization and we encourage all health professionals and advocates of universal health care through single payer reform to join the over 1400 signers of our resolution.

The work we do

The strength and expertise of PNHP Minnesota is in education and advocacy. We provide the respected opinion of the American Healthcare Professional working within the current broken system of healthcare delivery. 
Our large group of passionate, talented speakers and supporters are spreading the facts about Single Payer Healthcare Reform across the state — at Rotary clubs, churches and mosques, hospitals and clinics. We hold events, create letter to the editor campaigns, engage within our specialty organizations, and work with all who want to see a Minnesota where all have equal access to healthcare.
Our most important work is in the form of our Summer Education Program.  This nationally renowned seven week program engages rising second year medical students and public health graduate students from across the state.  Mentored by our Board Members, this program requires 100+ hours of reading, discussion, viewing, and participation in outreach activities. 
We are committed to educating current and future healthcare professionals across Minnesota. You can support this mission by donating today!  (Clicking the image below will redirect you to a secure donation website.) 

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